We love to see people use our sensory equipment and make a difference in people’s lives. Clair bought Apollo Creative products for her daughter Talia and was delighted to see the fantastic response Talia has when using equipment such as the Infinity Panel and Chroma Tube. Clair has shared with Apollo Creative a few photos of Talia uusing the equipment.

The Infinity Panel is ideal for a calming visual sensory experience, the LED lights glow softly to change colours whilst giving an optical illusion of depth using two way mirrors. The Infinity panel hangs securely onto a wall and as you can see from the picture below is a great height for people in wheel chairs.

The Chroma Tube works just like a Bubble Tube, just without the water! Talia uses it to brighten up her senses as it changes to different colours and provides a calming atmosphere.

Here are the photos that show Talia using Apollo Creative sensory equipment, she has great fun with experiencing the sensory colours and light:

Talia with sensory equipment
Talia with sensory equipment
Talia with sensory equipment
Talia with sensory equipment